Life as a normal Mother.. (-_^)

2016.01.01 ~ 2016.02.15

My parents go back to Kuching during this period. I am now playing the role as normal mother.

Wake up early morning to prepare breakfast and dinner..
Come back from work have to cook, sweep and mop floor..

Here are some photos of my cooking for lunch and dinner. Feel proud of myself!! (^O^)(^O^)

Claypot chicken rice for dinner on 2016.01.12...

Tomato mee goreng for lunch on 2016.01.08..

Dinner on 2016.01.14..

Lunch on 2016.01.17...Sunday...after house keeping

Simple dinner on 2016.01.18, Monday... mee goreng CiTy!! (^O^)(^O^)

Dinner for four on Saturday, 23 Jan 2016!!

Spegatti for breakfast on Sunday morning 24 Jan, 2016 after yesterday night movie, The 5th Wave...

Simple dinner on Monday night, 25 Jan 2016..

Roasted chicken again on 26 Jan 2016, Tuesday's dinner.. yummy!! (-_^)

再来一个三菜一汤。。。2016.01.31, 星期日。。
