yesterday C-NB announced again there is some changing on the organization for process:

Pet No 1 - product and crack issue only.
Tall2 - overall process.
Junior Lim - V and Tss.
SS - S line, T and B machines.
Brother in law - F line and back up for Tss
me - 1T and product.

initially I was informed that i am only back up for junior lim, but now i have to fully responsible for the 1T process.
I was not happy, not because of job load, but it was unfair. I sent out email to all my gangs...see their reply in different color represent different people...hehehe...sorry to copy your words here, but don't worry so far I do not let people know about my blog address.. :)
Process change again:
Pet no 1 - product and crack issue only
Junior Lim - V & Tss
Ss - S line, b & T
brother in law - standby for f line and back up for Junior Lim
me - 1T & product

KNS… :(


No wonder bro-in-law so happy la..
Kelian snr and junior.. N I'll expect more complains from ss. Haha...


Stupid specialist!!!

Last time first time S line start I also take care of B & T.
Y now that bloody hell bro-in-law can't do it?? He doest even hv a machine!!!
2nd Taper only come at year end!
Bloody HELL!


Im not going to agree.. I don’t give shit, let b & T be la..

MT under who? the way...senior...1T no much issue one.....crack oredy solve...bent lead also i had solve it......


all Tss will under Junior Lim loh...
this is nothing to do with much or less issue...this is not fair, especially to Junior Lim who is so new here...and know nothing abt tss, somemore do u think bro-in-law will train him well?
wat will bro-in-law do if all tss under Junior lim's care? he will goyang his kaki until patah when his machine only will be here end of the year.
wat ur stp doing?? product only, how old is the product tat she take care (>6yrs)?? can she do anything with the product, improvement/debugging//change design?? only settle AYR niah and update yield if any...wat else she will be bz for???


two thumbs up to snr!!
regarding lim's stp product, always got issue due to crack die (if i'm not mistaken), i wonder all the time, what she has done, as until now this issue still not 100% solve. n abt yield, when did she update yield? still remember last time during yield meeting always they will pin point to me or CT to show the yield trend. y? bcos they (specialist n lim's stp) nvr update yield b4!


YuP! Sokong, working for crack issue since day one also kenot solve.
Then stil wayang stay late everyday?
First year working here till now 4-6 years working and do same thing, still kenot do work faster? No improvement?
So, these ppl actually do work or not????


ehhh now u cant say lims stp....but is Junior lim stp ( now is not related to me hehe )


yes they work...their work is to make boss happy...


then i was busy in production to run some samples...when i was out from production, SS went home and left message to me that Tall2 already informed her to take care T & B. She did not agree and gave reasonable details.....

this morning, C-NB announced again the organization:

Pet No 1 - product and crack issue only.
Tall2 - overall process.
Junior Lim - V and Tss.
SS - S line & F line.
Brother in law - F line, B & T and back up for Tss
me - 1T and product.

Hahaha...really C-No come he is not FIRM, always keep changing his decision whenever there is objection.. How to become manager?? Stay at your specialist la..Don't bullshit here and there...kakakakak.
definitely, bro in law is not happy, try to argue and give reason for escaping the responsible on B&T, what the hell man, the new machines only will be in end of the year, and most of the time B&T are idling, what issue do you have? Why so scare and why so worry??? STupid la, they (all the pets) are really never work under pressure as my previous come they so scare.

p/s: At the end I would like to say something on the organization change, I personally feel that this is all high waist's fault. First, how can he let Tall2 to handle process and pet no 1 to handler product?
All the while, pet no 1 is the most expert in process and Tall2 is expert in product. Just because pet no 1 doesn't want to become process anymore, and he agree for the changes, really a stupid management.

why do we need to be so specific here? Why people cannot take care both product and process together? why why why? It is really need a lot of improvement for the management here, i will announce bankruptcy if i am the owner of this company, too many headcounts too many managers for nothing, but argue to push their responsibility away to others people who just keep quiet like me, like Tall2....hahaha...Gambateh!!
